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The Future of CTV Will Be Powered by Commerce Media Data

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目前在数字营销领域有两个正在崛起的超级大国,它们并不是竞争对手. They’re converging. That’s fantastic news for marketers.

Thanks to the growing convergence of CTV and commerce media, 人们一直承诺的电视“可购物”的未来即将到来. In 2024, the average U.S. adult is spending 他们每天花在数字视频上的时间比花在传统电视上的时间多近一个小时这是一种权力的转移,增强了广告商的数据能力. At the same time, U.S. commerce media spending has skyrocketed to nearly $60 billion. Alongside this spend, 广告主对第一方购物者数据价值的认识有所提高, driving commerce media spend driven deeper into CTV.

整合CTV和商业媒体策略为广告商提供了无与伦比的提升品牌知名度的机会, engagement, and conversion rates across the consumer journey. However, 要充分利用这一日益增长的机会,就需要认识到推动这一融合的双方合作伙伴, 以及新兴的CTV格式,将创造真正的购物体验. Let’s dig deeper into both areas.

A Fast-Evolving Partnership Landscape

融合的商业媒体- ctv格局在很短的时间内发生了巨大的变化. Since spring 2023, commerce media-CTV partnerships have multiplied. For example:

The above partnerships are just the tip of the iceberg. From an advertiser standpoint, 要想充分利用融合的电视格局,可能需要直接与提供CTV广告解决方案的主要零售商合作. Alternatively, 他们可以与卖方技术合作伙伴合作,将零售受众数据与优质CTV库存整合在一起,从而实现跨多个平台的广告活动.

The Shoppable Future of CTV Formats

此外,越来越多的合作伙伴将把商业媒体数据整合到CTV库存的购买中, 广告商将看到新的机会出现,带来更多可购物的CTV体验. For example:

  • Scrollable CTV ads: According to BrightLine, scrollable CTV ads (i.e.(用户可以通过点击和滚动来探索产品和服务的广告) delivering outsized results for brands with an impressive 1.4 percent engagement rate.
  • Integrated shopping platforms: New platforms are being integrated directly into smart TVs, allowing viewers to shop products seen in shows, advertisements, or live broadcasts instantly. These integrations make the process seamless, 因为观众可以使用遥控器购买物品,而不需要单独的设备.
  • QR code integration: Many broadcasters are now embedding QR codes into their content, 哪些观众可以用智能手机扫描后立即进入产品页面. 这种方法弥合了传统电视观看和网上购物之间的差距, making the process more interactive and immediate.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) enhancements: 人工智能正被用于根据观众的观看习惯和偏好提供个性化推荐,从而增强购物体验. 这项技术还可以自动识别和标记电视节目或广告中显示的产品, making them easily accessible for viewers to purchase.
  • Voice commands: With the rise of voice-controlled assistants in smart TVs, viewers can now find and buy products using voice commands. 这种免提方法简化了搜索电视上看到的产品的过程, improving accessibility and convenience.

As these enhanced ad opportunities become more widely available, 可以理解的是,广告商在问,相关的更高cpm是否物有所值. While the cost of entry might appear higher, 即使是对结果价值的表面分析也应该足以克服广告商的犹豫.

将CTV和商业媒体数据结合起来,可以使品牌根据客户价值而不是印象调整支出,从而提高媒体效率和品牌效果. Traditionally, 买家已经根据广泛的年龄和性别人口统计数据以及相关的CPP和CPM货币来计划他们的电视广告. CTV, on the other hand, 使品牌能够超越传统的以cpm为中心和基于人口统计的目标定位,转向更丰富的基于价值的竞标. 这种增强的目标定位可以让广告商将他们的投资定向到能够提供最高投资回报率的项目上.

CTV和商业媒体的融合提供了一个品牌长期渴望的机会:创造更有凝聚力的全渠道活动的能力. By leveraging commerce media data, 品牌既可以在家里的电视上吸引顾客,也可以在网上购物时在智能手机或电脑上吸引顾客, simultaneously reinforcing brand messaging and driving conversions. 但只有当买家打破他们的品牌和业绩策略之间的孤岛,并为CTV和商业媒体制定计划时,它才能奏效.

This is what happens when superpowers unite.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from PubMatic. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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